Monday 30 May 2011


Some good results from the season ticket lake, with Malcolm Best taking mirrors of 29.08 & 37.12, Steve Ellison with a 29.08 mirror and Chris Manifold with a common of 24lbs Matt Holland took a mirror of 29.04, Steve Burgess a common of 29lbs, Chris Woodgate had a common of 26lbs and Gavin Hewitt landed the big ghost carp at a new top weight of 32lbs. Martin Thacker took a mirror of 34.12 and Nigel Edgecombe landed a 29.15 common, along with another home grown fish of 14.02. A very good result for Dave Reekie, with mirrors of 28.12 & 29.08, plus commons of 27lbs & 34.08.

Dave Reekie with two of his carp to 34.08.

Details of the day ticket water are very sketchy at the moment, with only a few known captures logged. These include commons of 20lbs & 25.10 to Pete Headon, a ghost mirror of 21.04 to Wayne Scotney, and a carp of 24lbs, (type not known), to Adrian Walter. A catfish of 50.02 was also landed by a youngster, Pete Marriot, a PB and Junior lake record capture.

Jamie Parr did a short stint on Amiees Pool for a 35lb mixed bag, and Andy Seleine took 60lbs of the larger carp from Dans Pool.

Monday 16 May 2011


The season ticket water fished well this week, with at least ten 30lb+ carp known to been banked. Captures include Martin Thacker with a mirror of 32.08, Rod Keen with a mirror of 30.04 and Matt Holland with a mirror of 35.07, plus commons of 21.10 and 34.14. Craig Shrub took a PB mirror of 34.08, Malcolm Best landed a mirror of 37.12 and Alan Morris had commons of 27.09 & 34.14. Nigel Edgcombe had a good session taking mirrors of 22.14, 25.08, 28.10, 29.08 and 34.14.
Craig Shrub with his 34.08 mirror.
The day ticket water has also produced some good catches, including Pete Headon with a 20.04 common, Ashley Commander with a common of 25.08 and Ian Ross with a sturgeon of 48.02. Phil Jakes landed a mirror of 27.04 and Mark ? took a common of 25.10 plus a sturgeon of 39.02. Best carp of the week was a mirror of 33.13, a new PB for captor Tristan Standon, and the best mixed catch has to be Pete Joint, with a 19.10 common (PB), 26.06 mirror (PB) and catfish of 32.04 & 53.08, a further PB.

Monday 9 May 2011


Only two returns from the season ticket lake this week. Steve Ellison took a 32lb mirror, and Gary Davis, on work placement on the lakes, from Cannington College, did a short free time session for a common of 32.01.
Steve Ellison with his 32lb mirror.
Better returns from the day ticket lake, with a 27.04 mirror to Lee Cooper, a PB sturgeon of 43.02 to Keith Frewen and a 19.02 common to Mark Chambers. Gary Davis also did a short spell on this lake for a 24.06 common and Dave Maybe had a PB catfish of 60.08. Best result this week was undoubtably Adrian Chubb, who landed commons of 14.10, 16.09, 24.10 and 31.08, plus a PB sturgeon of 47.08.

Dans Pool produced a 100lb+ bag of carp to Martin Lamburn  and on Amiees Pool, mixed bags were taken of 40lbs to Mick Rogers and 55lbs to Nick Rowan.

Cannington College fisheries management students have just completed their first industrial work placement on the lakes, and Dave was delighted with their enthusiasm, attitude, standard of knowledge and commitment. Anyone interested in their courses, please contact Cannington direct. Contact details are on the Emperor Lakes web site. 

As promised - some pics from last week.

Mark Bailey with 36.08 common
Roy Mercer with 41lb mirror


Monday 2 May 2011

 Another good week on the season ticket lake, with reported catches including a 20lb common to Kevin Goody, a 31lb common to Chris Woodgate, and a stunning 41lb mirror to Roy Mercer. A productive session for Mark Owen, with mirrors of 23.08, 27.10 and 28.08, plus a common of 26.08. Gareth  Hazledene took a common of 28.04 and mirror of 29.10, whilst Mark Bailey banked a common of 36.08, and Nigel Rogers had a common of 28.02 and mirror of 33.07. Malcolm Best continued his recent successes with mirrors of 32.04 and 34lbs.
Simon Burns with his 45.04 cafish.
The day ticket lake has also fished well, with Andy Buchanon taking mirrors of 23.04 and 23.07 and Jez with a 20.08 catfish. Simon Burns took a catfish of 45.04 and a mirror of 33.06, the ninth different 30 to come out of the water this year, and pal Wayne Scotney had commons of 13lbs and 22lbs. Not content with taking the top lake apart, Mark Owen did a session on the bottom water, taking a 12.10 common, 33.08 mirror, PB sturgeon of 41.00 and catfish of 43lbs and 43.08, another PB. Marks' wife Jayne landed a catfish of 45.08, a PB for her. Sorry abut the lack of photos, which continue to be slow to come in from both main lakes, but it is anticipated that we will have some to put in the next catch report. 
Wayne Scotney with common of 22lbs.
Dans Pool has produced a 40lb bag of the larger carp for Darren Rowan and a 50b bag to Jamie Parr. Dave Wicks also did a short session on this pool for a 12lb mirror and commons of 14.08 & 16lbs. This water is obviously going to be ideal for less experienced anglers to "cut their teeth on", before moving up to the main carp lakes.
Amiees Pool has produced a number of mixed bags to 50lbs.