Monday 25 July 2011


Reported captures from the season ticket lake this week, include Dave Leekie with mirrors of 31.06 & 24.12, Brian Male with a mirror of 27.14 and Matt Holland with a common of 28.04 and mirror of 24.07. David Land took a common of 29.15 and Malcolm Best a mirror of 23.12.

A lack of returns from the day ticket lake, has left us short of reports, with just a 29.02 mirror to Andy Buchanon, a 29.09 common to Lee Sercombe, and Brett Palmer with commons of 22.06 & 17.12.

Amiees Pool produced a 60lb mixed bag of mainly silver fish for Jamie Parr and a 35lb bag to Martin Lamburn.

Monday 18 July 2011


From the season ticket lake, the best recorded fish this week was a mirror of 34.09 to Chris Woolley, along with a fully scaled mirror of 31.10. Jason Edwards took mirrors of 32.02 (PB), 27.04 & 26.08, whilst Malcolm Best had a trio consisting of mirrors of 25.12 and 26.04, plus a common of 15.04. Mark Pollard landed a mirror of 25.08, but was upstaged by his brother Mike, who took a mirror of 30.02. Mark Owen landed a 30lb common and Chris Manifold took a mirror of 26.12.

 Jason Edwards with his 32.02 mirror.
Mark Owen with 30lbs common.
No reports of the larger carp from the day ticket lake this week, but a number of captures of mirrors & commons to high teens. A few catfish reported, with Andy Buchanon taking one of 37.10, plus a common carp of 15.04, and Mickey Fuller with a cat of 38.04. Tony Latter landed a catfish of 44lbs, along with common carp of 9lbs & 12.10, whilst John Hawkins and family made a joint effort to land a catfish of 43lbs.

The small pools continue to fish well, with Amiees producing good bags of mixed fish, and Dans Pool throwing up carp to over 20lbs.

Brett Palmer with recent captures from the day ticket lake. Mirrors of 32.04 & 26.02.

Sunday 10 July 2011


Continuing steady on the season ticket lake, with reported catches including Steve Burgess with a 33.04 common, Mark Owen with a mirror of 22.10 & common of 22.12 and Matt Holland with a heavily scaled mirror of 35.06. Steve Ellison took a mirror of 27lbs and a common of 27lbs, Brian Male had mirrors of 28.08 & 39.07 and Dave Reekie landed a common of 28.06, plus a mirror of 20.08. Mark Pollard had a productive session for mirrors of 27.12 & 29.01, plus commons of 18.08 & 27.08.
 Matt Holland with 35.06 mirror.
The day ticket water produced five commons to 23lbs for Chris Bibb, whilst Andy Buchanon again did well with 2 ghosties to 27.08, a mirror of 22.01, 3 commons to 26.04 and 2 eels of 3lb & 5.02.Dave Wood took 2 commons of 14.15 & 17.03, plus a catfish of 48.13 and Gary Jones logged a common of 19lbs.
 Chris Bibb with 23lb common.
Dans Pool continues to fish well with plenty of teen & low twenties carp, and local regular Jamie Parr banked a mixed bag from Amiees Pool for a weight of over 80lbs. Also on Amiees pool was Wayne Scotney, who accompanied his 10 year old daughter Kayleigh, and her friend, Erin, also aged 10, for a mixed bag.

Erin and Kayleigh with their first catches.

And finally, 3 captures over the past couple of weeks.

Monday 4 July 2011


Russ Bates with his high teen common
The day ticket lake has produced some sizeable catfish. Pete Meadon took a pb of 56.02, Steve Jones also had a PB of 41.06, Martin Lamburn landed a 38.08 and Dale Maybey also took a PB of 41.02. Carp capture reports include numerous teens, with Andy Buchanon taking ghosties of 17.08 & 17.18, commons of 15.08, 17.04, 18.14 & 19.04, plus mirrors of 13.08 & 27.08. A couple of oddbods from the water this week include a 3.12 eel to Stuart Johnson and a golden grass carp of 14.12 to Tony Hodgson. Again pics are slow to come.

Tony Hodgson with his 14.12 golden grass carp.
Again, some good bags from the stock pools, including Wayne Scotney with his daughter and her friend landing a good mixed bag, and 10 year old Jake, supervised by one of our qualified coaches, Jamie Parr, took a mixed bag. Anglers Steve & Sue from Nottingham, were among those fishing Dans pool, where they took several carp to upper doubles. 
10 year old Jake with his first common carp, which he has named "Colin"
Steady fishing on the season ticket water, with reported catches including mirrors of 35.12, 35.06 & 24.05 to Matt Holland, a 30.06 common to Mark Owen and a 30.08 mirror to Malcolm Best. Steve Burgess took a ghostie of 28.04 and both Nigel Edgecombe and Martin Thacker landed mirrors of 22.08. Dale Reekie took a home bred common of 16.08 plus a mirror of 25.08. Following a tench of over 9lb a while back, the lake also threw up an 8lbs+ this week. No pics yet, but hopefully some to come.