Monday 26 September 2011


A very respectable week again on the season ticket lake, with the top fish to Rod Phillips, a 37.04 mirror, and a new PB for him. Close behind was Malcolm Best with a common of 35.12. Vic Cranfield took a duo of mirrors at 30.14 & 26.03, and Dave Pierce had a 30.10 mirror & 29.06 common. Nigel Rogers landed commons of 27.04 & 23.01, whilst Jason Edwards had another common of 29.02.
                                          Dave Pierce with 29.06 common & 30.10 mirror.
A very nice capture on the day ticket lake for Chris Bibb, a new PB in the form of a 34.04 mirror. This has been positively verified as a different fish to the 34.12 mirror taken recently. Kev Lock also took a new PB with a common of 25.14 and Brendon ? had a 4lb eel. Several other doubles to low twenties carp & catfish reported.

Monday 19 September 2011


Some good fish reported from the season ticket lake this week. Dave Reekie landed a mirror of 40.04, Steve Burgess took a mirror of 38.12 and Matt Holland had a trio of commons at 36lbs, 27.12 & 21lbs. Rod Phillips took a nice duo of 36.10 mirror and 33.09 (PB) common, Mark Owen had a linear mirror of 29.06, Carolyn Rogers landed a mirror of 28.06 and Chris Manifold had a common of 28.01. As can be seen from the pictures below, the carp are carrying little roe, and should all be considerably heavier towards the end of the year.
Rod Phillips with 36.10 mirror & 33.10 common.
Mark Owen with his 40.04 mirror.
Steve Burgess with 38.12 mirror
Carolyn Rogers with her 28.06 mirror
Not so good returns for carp from the day ticket water this week, but the catfish have again been active, with a 49.12 to Gary Clark, his first ever cat and obviously a PB, the same applying to Tony Clark with a 36.10. Simon Jones took another of 38.12, Lee Cooper had a 38.06 and Andy Buchanon took a small one at 14.08, along with common carp of 21.08 & 16.02, plus a mirror of 21.08 and ghosties of 18.02 & 16.08.
Other reported carp were a 19.08 common to Phil Vine, common of 14.08 to a C Vernon, and commons of 13.08 & 13.06 to Dave Wood.

Sunday 11 September 2011


Logged reports are in short supply for both lakes this week. This is doubtless partly due to the unsettled, often wet weather, slowing the fishing somewhat. Only a couple of note from the day ticket water, with David Poolman taking a PB common of 30.12 and Andy Buchanon with commons of 26lbs & 15.12, along with a ghostie of 19.02.
David Poolman with 30.12 common.The season ticket lake saw Nigel Rogers with a mirror of 30.02, Mark Owen with a linear mirror of 29.08 and Steve Ellison with a common of 28lbs, plus mirrors of 26.08 & 25lbs.  Chris Manifold took a mirror of 26.10, Malcom Best had another of 23.04, Dave Reekie landed a common of 23lbs and Vic Cranfield a mirror of 22.13.
Mark Owen with 29.08 linear mirror.
Nigel Rogers with his 30.02 mirror.

Monday 5 September 2011


The day ticket lake has fished well again, with Tomo Tousland taking the best carp, a mirror of 30.15. Dave Wood took commons of 14.02, 18.06 & 21.04, plus a catfish of 35.11. Brother Paul had a mirror of 16.08 and a catfish of 18.10. Dave Hood took a common carp of 23.03, Chris Bibb had commons of 13.10 & 15.02 and Mark Wood landed a catfish of 35.06. Sam & Andy took catfish of 14lbs & 41.01, plus a mirror of 14lbs, Chris Lambert had a catfish of 35.01 and an eel of 3lbs. Barry Brewer, a newcomer to carp angling took his first ever carp, a mirror of 13.10.
Tomo Tousland with his 30.15 mirror.
From the season ticket lake, best of the reported catches was to Carolyn Rogers, who has only previously fished on the day ticket water. She has now joined up for the specimin lake, and her very first fish was a linear mirror of 32.06, a very impressive achievement. Other reports include Brian Male with a mirror of 30.11 and Dave Pierce with mirrors of 29lbs & 31.15. Steve Dawes fished a short session on the water for eels, landing 3 fish to 2.04. 
Carolyn Rogers with her linear mirror of 32.06.
On the subject of eels, and following our report last week of the site being awarded a certificate as an eel friendly water, we have been notified that we are one of ONLY 8 sites in the country given this award. Unfortunately, eels are the favourite food of otters, so as a precaution, we are hoping to be able to carry out the scheduled installation of otter proof fencing as soon as possible.