Monday 20 June 2011


Both main waters are still hard, due to on & off spawning activities, but the season ticket water is picking up a little, with Martin Thacker taking a common of 27.12, Gareth Hazledene with a mirror of 29.08, and Dave Reekie with a trio of a 16.00 common and mirrors of 23.02 & 27.00. Best fish reported this week were a mirror of 33.07 to new member Keith Everard, his first from the water, and Matt Holland with a mirror of 30.08, with another two fish lost.

Scratchy on the day ticket water, with a number of mid teen mirrors & commons, a 19.02 common to Chris Baker, 17.04 ghostie to Pete Headon and 21.10 PB common to Russ Bates. Two reasonable catfish have been logged this week, a 47.12 to Lee Ostrowski and a 46.10 to Stuart Johnson, along with an 18.06 mirror. The spawning seems to have finished on both waters now, so catches should now improve.
Lee Ostrowski with his 47.12 catfish.
Aimees Pool has produced a few good mixed bags this week, with 65lbs to Brian Jackson, 35lbs to Paul Beal and 40lbs to Derek Benny. Dans Pool has also fished well for the larger carp, with a 75lb bag to Jamie Parr, 60lbs to Robert Blake, while John Fredericks took 8 carp to 19lbs. Other anglers on both pools are reporting good catches in short sessions, and that the fish are all in excellent condition. Even Dave Lidstone did a short spell on the pools this week, when he caught a few fish and relaxed for a change, a rare occurence.
Russ Bates with his PB common of 21.10.
Construction of the disabled swim on Dans Pool has now been finished, and ready for use, and all fishing platforms are almost completed on both pools.