Monday 29 August 2011


Very reasonable catches reported from the season ticket lake this week, including a 37.08 mirror to Pete Berry, a 36.02 PB mirror to Mark Pollard and a duo of mirrors at 31lbs & 29.03 to Rod Phillips. Gareth Hazledean took a mirror of 30.02, Roy Mercer landed a mirror of 28.06, plus a common of 27.10, and Chris Manifold had a mirror of 23.08. Steve Ellison took a mirror of 27.04, plus a common of 23lbs, Dave Reekie had a common of 19.08 and Mini Cooper took an early pike at 15lbs.

The day ticket water remains consistant, with the catfish showing well this week. Top catfish was a 53.04 to Kevin Lock, followed by Mickey Palmer with a 40.12. Simon Janes took cats of 39.02,  24.12 and 16.06, plus a common carp of 24.10. Martin Lamburn landed a cat of 38.12 and Chris Bibb had a 36.08 cat. Taff Vanstone took a PB catfish of 22.10, plus a common carp of 17.12, Tony Hodgson took a 20.07 mirror and Matt Dace had a 18.04 common.
Tony Hodgson with 20.07 mirror.

Monday 22 August 2011


Some very respectable catches from the season ticket water, with mirrors of 31lb, 29.03 & 24.10 to Rod Phillips, a 33.12 common to Malcolm Best and a 30.09 mirror to Vic Cranfield, along with a bonus in the form of a lovely fully scaled mirror of 21,10. Other recorded captures included a 28.04 mirror to Trevor Picton, a 23.12 common and a 4lb+ eel to Chris Manifold.

The day ticket water has again been productive, with reports showing Scott Easton with a good bag consisting of commons at 20.03, 16.07, 15.03 & 13.06, plus mirrors of 17.10 & 13.12, and Dave Wood taking a trio consisting of commons at 16.10 & 18.10, along with a catfish of 23.06. Kev Lock took a trio of carp, mirrors of 31.14 & 16.02, plus a common of 23.12, Tony Toffalo landed a common of 17lbs and Lee Wakeling took an 18lb ghostie. Dave Pullman banked a catfish of 36lb, a mirror of 21.04 and a ghostie of 12.00, Sean Powell took a catfish at 38lbs and Dave Hood took a 20lb cat, plus a mirror of 19.15. Scott Wainbridge had a mirror of 28.02, Stuart Channing took a catfish of 38lbs and Steve Dawes of the National Anguila Club took an eel of 4.04.

Steve Dawes with his 4.04 eel.
We are delighted and proud to announce receipt of a certificate of being an eel friendly site, from the National Anguilla Club. This accolade follows dialogue with the club, and catch reports of large eels, with numerous over the specimen weight of 4lbs, including three over 7lbs and one over 8lbs. Steve Dawes, from the National Records Office of the NAC, has visited the lakes, and recognised how we have implemented positive conservation approaches to the welfare of eels .

Steve also fished a short session on the day ticket lake and was rewarded with an eel of 4lb 4ozs, and has accepted that we obviously have a significant number of these fish, in fact more specimens than average. They are becoming so rare, (99% loss since1980), it makes them the most endangered vertebrate in the British Isles. They are now a protected species, and we ask all anglers to treat any captures with utmost care. Full details will be posted on the web site shortly, and all eel captures will now be posted on the weekly catch reports.

The large eels reported this year represent 40% of the Nation’s reported notable fish.  We, along with our anglers, should feel honoured that these fish have chosen our waters as their home, ( not  stocked), and we must all step up to the mark, in terms of ensuring good conservation practices. Copies of these recommendations are posted around the site.

Monday 15 August 2011


Very quiet this week, with many of our anglers away on holiday. The only reported captures on the season ticket lake are all mirror carp, with a 28lb fish to Steve Ellison, Chris Woodgate with a 27lbs, Vic Cranfield with a 26.05 and Chris Manifold with a duo of 24.06 & 27.14.

The reported captures on the day ticket lake include a nice brace for Scott Easton of a 30.08 common and catfish of 45.04, both fish being new PB's. Mark Woods landed a mirror of 23.02 and regular Andy Buchanon took a ghostie of 16lbs, mirror of 18.12 and catfish of 23.02. A 17.08 ghostie was taken by Tyrone Norah and a common of 15.14 fell to Taff Vanstone. It seems there were some other good fish landed, but the details were not reported.

Scott Easton with 30.08 common and 45.04 catfish, both PB's.

Renewals for the syndicate are due shortly, and possibly a few places will become available.  Although we currently have a waiting list, we will be happy to take new applications. In the first instance please contact Paul Power on 07814 060147.

Gavin Hewitt with his earlier capture of a 32lb ghost carp.

A reminder that we are now issuing 12 hour daytime permits for the day ticket lake, as well as the usual 24 hours. Priority will always be the young, elderly and infirm anglers, as this may suit their needs better. These will only be issued for traditionally quieter days or short notice at other times, subject to available space. 

Monday 8 August 2011


Reported captures from the season ticket lake include, a 37lb mirror to Pete Amey, 31.08 mirror to Matt Holland and 30.03 mirror to Rod Phillips. Dave Pierce landed a 32.12 mirror, Dave Reekie took a 29.06 mirror, Malcolm Best landed a 25.04 common and Rich Lynn took a 22.12 mirror.
Dave Pierce with a 32.12 mirror.
The day ticket water fished well with another two 30lbs+ carp, the common believed to be the fourteenth different 30lbs+ from the lake. This fish was part of a haul by Phil Jakes, consisting of mirrors of 10lbs, 12.02 and 15.06, topped by the common at 31.08, (a PB), and a catfish of 39lbs. Regular angler Andy Buchanon was back on form with commons of 10.02, 13.08, 16.02 and 29.04, plus catfish of 22.02 & 36.14. Other reports include Paul Wood with an English PB mirror of 32.13, Martin Redford with a catfish of 45.08 and Taff Vanstone with a common of 19lbs.

Phil Jakes with his 31.08 common.

Paul Wood with his 32.13 mirror.

As regulars will know, only 24 hour tickets have been issued for the day ticket lake until now. Throughout the Summer period, it is doubtless a great advantage to fish at night, as most fish feed more heavily during darkness. However, in the interests of safety, we will amend this policy, following a number of enquiries, often from, or on behalf of the young and elderly anglers, a point which we totally understand and concur with. Therefore, we will shortly offer LIMITED day only tickets, but these will only be at short notice and subject to available space, particularly at weekends. Priority will, of course, be given to the young, elderly and disabled.

Monday 1 August 2011


Reports are somewhat lacking again this week, but known catures from the season ticket lake include mirrors of 31.00 & 27.14 to Steve Burgess, a 29.05 mirror to Vic Cranfield and 27.10 common to Alan Morris. Dave Reekie took a mirror of 25.08, Malcolm Best landed a common of 18.04 and Chris Manifold had a mirror of 18.02.
Steve Burgess with 31lb mirror.
The day ticket lake fished better this week, with reported catches including Andy Blackwell with a catfish of 49.02, Tony Hodgson with a mirror of 25.08 and Tony Toffalo with a mirror of 29.06 & catfish of 24lbs. A ghostie of 17.06 was landed by Steve Mansfied, along with mirrors of 18.08 & 20.06, Damian Lawrence landed a catfish of 39.08 and Jack Palmer took a mirror of 16.09. A few other teen carp reported.

Would those intending to fish the lakes please note, that deadbaits and cereal based groundbaits are banned until further notice.

Pics are continuing hard to prise off the anglers, but below are two from a couple of weeks ago.
Dave Wood with a 48.15 catfish.
Matt Holland with his 28.04 common.