Monday 8 August 2011


Reported captures from the season ticket lake include, a 37lb mirror to Pete Amey, 31.08 mirror to Matt Holland and 30.03 mirror to Rod Phillips. Dave Pierce landed a 32.12 mirror, Dave Reekie took a 29.06 mirror, Malcolm Best landed a 25.04 common and Rich Lynn took a 22.12 mirror.
Dave Pierce with a 32.12 mirror.
The day ticket water fished well with another two 30lbs+ carp, the common believed to be the fourteenth different 30lbs+ from the lake. This fish was part of a haul by Phil Jakes, consisting of mirrors of 10lbs, 12.02 and 15.06, topped by the common at 31.08, (a PB), and a catfish of 39lbs. Regular angler Andy Buchanon was back on form with commons of 10.02, 13.08, 16.02 and 29.04, plus catfish of 22.02 & 36.14. Other reports include Paul Wood with an English PB mirror of 32.13, Martin Redford with a catfish of 45.08 and Taff Vanstone with a common of 19lbs.

Phil Jakes with his 31.08 common.

Paul Wood with his 32.13 mirror.

As regulars will know, only 24 hour tickets have been issued for the day ticket lake until now. Throughout the Summer period, it is doubtless a great advantage to fish at night, as most fish feed more heavily during darkness. However, in the interests of safety, we will amend this policy, following a number of enquiries, often from, or on behalf of the young and elderly anglers, a point which we totally understand and concur with. Therefore, we will shortly offer LIMITED day only tickets, but these will only be at short notice and subject to available space, particularly at weekends. Priority will, of course, be given to the young, elderly and disabled.