Monday 31 October 2011


Rather quiet on both main lakes following the prolonged heavy rain in the early part of the week, but later on a couple of good fish recorded from the season ticket water. Rob Williams took the best carp of the week, with a PB mirror of 40.09, and Gavin Hewitt landed a pristine mirror of 38.10, another PB. As yet, this is an unidentified fish which showed all the classic signs of rarely being banked, with no body, fin or mouth damage and its curtain fully intact.
Rob Williams with his 40.09 mirror.
Gavin Hewitt with his unidentified mirror of 38.10.
Few recorded captures from the day ticket water, but again some quality fish, the heaviest being a PB common of 31.12 to Taff Vanstone. Close behind was Dave Wood, with another common of 28.02, whilst Colin Wood had a common of 19.15, and Sean Martin took a mirror 20.04.
Dave Wood with 28.02 common.

Monday 24 October 2011


Some good captures again from the season ticket lake, top being a mirror of 41.08 to Rich Lynn. Mark Owen & Rod Phillips continue their productive runs, with Mark taking a brace consisting of a 37.12 mirror & 35.08 common, and Phil taking a 35.11 mirror and 25.09 common. Other 20's reported included a 26.10 mirror to Vic Cranfield.
 Rich Lynn with his 41.08 mirror.
Rod Phillips with 35.11 mirror.
A bit short of reports from the day ticket water, and we do ask anglers to log their captures or let Paul have details. The only carp logged were a ghostie of 18.08 to Alex Baker, and 19.08 mirror to Andy Buchanon, who also took two catfish of 35.08 & 40.08.

Sunday 16 October 2011


A very nice trio from the season ticket lake, when Steve Burgess took mirrors of 30.02, 35.02 & 39.06. The latter fish is not previously known to be a 40, and being virtually empty of any roe, should be comfortably into the 40lb plus bracket by the end of the year. Mark Owen took two mirrors of 32.06 & 30.06.
Steve Burgess with his 39.06 mirror

Steve Burgess with his 35.02 mirror

Mark Owen with 32.06 mirror.
The day ticket water seems to have been invaded by the Woods. Not sure if they are all related, but Dave took the biggest fish, a PB 33.13 mirror, Paul's best was a 19.14 common, and Paul took a 24.01 common. Best catch by the group was Mark, who landed a 24.02 mirror, along with 2 doubles, plus a tench of 4lbs. Although it is still a good tench, it's the smallest this year, with all earlier fish have been in the 6-10lb bracket.
Dave Wood with his 33.13 mirror.

Sunday 9 October 2011


Fewer anglers on this week, but still some respectable fish reported. The day ticket lake threw up a mixed bag for Alex Baker, with a common of 25lbs, mirror of 21.02, ghostie of 17lbs and a tench of 6.02. Jamie Parr took a new PB common of 28.12.

The season ticket lake also few anglers this week, when John Andrews took a common of 32.04 and Dave Reekie had a mirror of 31.02. Rod Phillips landed a common of 28.08, along with a mirror of 29.05 and Jason Edwards took a mirror of 27lbs. Steve Burgess took a trio, consisting of commons of 15lbs & 22lbs, along with a mirror of 29.15. A home grown mirror of 16.01 reported by Gary Baker. 
Gareth Hazelden with his 31lb mirror from the previous week.

Monday 3 October 2011



Last week we reported the capture of a 34.04 mirror by Chris Bibb. Dave was not on site to witness the capture and weighing, but when he received the photos, immediately felt the fish was heavier than stated. Later in the week, Chris returned with his scales, and they were checked against two sets of accurate scales, which were subsequently checked by weights & measures. Chris now has a set of scales for sale, going very cheap!
Chris Bibb with the first 40 from the day ticket lake, 40.12 mirror.
Obviously, everyone is delighted at this news, as no-one really expected to see a 40lb carp from the day ticket lake until the latter part of next year, even with the rapid growth rates achieved since Dave & Joanne took over the fishery.

Other reports from the day ticket water this week include a 24.04 common and 2lb eel to Andy Buchanon and 37lb cat to Steve Munday. Scott Wainbridge took a 17.05 common and 5.04 eel, Joseph Neale landed a PB common of 19.05, Dean Channing had a 16.08 mirror and Tony Toffalo reported a common of 16lbs. Other carp in the upper teens to mid twenties are known to have been banked but no specific details have been logged.

The season ticket lake has produced mirrors of 33lb to Vic Cranfield & 31lb to Gareth Hazledean, but top rod this week is Ryan Male with a trio of carp, mirrors of 31.09 & 32.01, plus a common of 31.02. No pics received yet.