Monday 31 October 2011


Rather quiet on both main lakes following the prolonged heavy rain in the early part of the week, but later on a couple of good fish recorded from the season ticket water. Rob Williams took the best carp of the week, with a PB mirror of 40.09, and Gavin Hewitt landed a pristine mirror of 38.10, another PB. As yet, this is an unidentified fish which showed all the classic signs of rarely being banked, with no body, fin or mouth damage and its curtain fully intact.
Rob Williams with his 40.09 mirror.
Gavin Hewitt with his unidentified mirror of 38.10.
Few recorded captures from the day ticket water, but again some quality fish, the heaviest being a PB common of 31.12 to Taff Vanstone. Close behind was Dave Wood, with another common of 28.02, whilst Colin Wood had a common of 19.15, and Sean Martin took a mirror 20.04.
Dave Wood with 28.02 common.