Monday 27 February 2012


Again, little to report, but the season ticket lake has produced a couple of good fish. Andy Sweatland, a new member on his first visit, took a PB common of 37.08 and Steve Ellison landed a 32lb mirror. The day ticket water is filling and about to re-open.
Andy Sweatland with his common of 37.08.
Amiees Pool is becoming very popular, and Mark & Richard Wood spent a few hours for a bag of 40lbs, including some quality roach.

The report on the netting has to be put back to next week, as we've been waiting for the pics to come back from the photographer. For the record, the only fish removed from the lake were catfish to 25lbs, tench, jack pike and small carp. This will allow the ever increasing number of large carp, including numerous fish of 30-40lbs+ to grow on even faster. Full details and photos will be on the next report.

Please note that the syndicate waiting list is now closed for the time being. It's not fair taking more names when there is little likelyhood of places becoming available in the near future. Contrary to some stories currently going around, there will be NO INCREASE in syndicate fees this year. Those due to renew in April, must contact Dave asap, if they wish to be re-invited. Subs will then be due in cleared funds by 20th March latest. Places will not be held after this date.