Monday 30 April 2012


An awful mixture of bad weather put many anglers off this week. It was a fair assumption that cooling temperatures and torrential rain would put the fish off feed, but this didn't turn out to be the case. The bottom lake fished well with numerous doubles to 26lbs, and following the clearing of many overhanging trees, and subsequent growth of marginal plants, fish are now being taken from the near margins. A group of seven anglers from Bristol, first timers on the site, took some good fish. Lee Massey landed an English PB common of 31.02, Nigel Pool took an English PB mirror of 33.12 and Tony Nagg had a PB tench of 6.12, a male fish.

The season ticket water also produced results to the few who braved the weather. Dave Reekie took a mirror of 31.02, Rod Phillips landed a mirror of 30.01, plus a common of 23.09, Chris Woodgate took a 28.04 mirror, and Mark Bailey broke a lengthy lean spell with a common of 27.08. Dan Williams reported the capture of an obviously home grown and immaculate common of 15lbs.
Rod Phillips with 30.01 mirror

A number of eels have been showing this week, the best reported was 3lb 12ozs, to Steve Burgess. Fewer anglers on the coarse pools, but still good bags of roach and carp in the 3-5lbs range, but a surprise from Amiees Pool was a pristine virgin common of 12lbs to Darren Fleet.

Monday 23 April 2012


A good week on the day ticket lake, with signs of the bigger catfish starting to feed. Mark Harroway took one of 63.08 plus a mirror of 18.08, and Ashley Commander landed a cat of 55.08, along with a leather carp of 26.02 and common of 22.02. Craig Sheffield had a 26lb mirror, plus a 16lb common, James Hubble landed a mirror of 23.08 and Jezz Sweatland took a catfish of 35lbs, along with a common of 15.02. Despite the recent drain down and subsequent removal of 50 catfish under 25lbs, obviously some were missed as Adam Sloman caught one of 18.02 and Jamie Parr had another of 18.04.
 Ashley Commander with 55.08 catfish, 26.02 leather & 22.02 common.

A slow week on the season ticket water, although at least two big lumps were reported as lost, one right at the net. Nevertheless Scott Wainbridge landed a PB mirror of 30.04, Matt Holland took a 25.07 mirror and Dave Reekie banked a common of 29.11. Gary Baker took a common of 26.07 and Jason Edwards landed a mirror of 17.02.

Sport is still lively on the coarse pools, with Amiees producing mixed bags of 58lbs to Russell Collins, 56lbs to Julie Bates and 45lbs to Mark Roberts. Jamie Parr continued his earlier successes with a 70lbs bag in just a short session, and on Teardrop Pool several carp in the 3-4lb range and tench to 9lb 12ozs were taken.

Monday 16 April 2012


Picking up nicely now, with some sizeable fish from both main lakes, and heavy mixed bags from Amiees Pool, to day anglers. Due to the increasing number of fish likely to be banked through the next few months, we will cherry pick somewhat, in not reporting the smaller fish.

The season ticket lake fished well for carp, with five 30's and a 40 reported. Best catch was to Matt Holland, with mirrors of 40.03 and 35.12, and our very capable lady angler, Caroline Rogers, took another 30, a mirror of 32.03. Alan Price of Nash Tackle fished an overnight session on a guest ticket, and took a pretty mirror of 30.02, whilst local member, Nigel Edgecombe, caught a mirror of 31.01. Brian Male took a mirror of 32.05, Anthony Lock took a nice brace of 28.04 mirror and 28.08 common and Mike Pollard landed a common of 27.04.
 Matt Holland with his brace of big mirrors, 40.03 (top) and 35.12.
 Caroline Rogers with her 32.03 mirror.
 Brian Male with 32.05 mirror.
 Nash Tackle's Alan Price with 30.02 linear mirror.
 Nigel Edgecombe with mirror of 31.01.

Anthony Lock with his brace of 28.08 common & 28.04 mirror.
The day ticket lake also fished well, with Mark Wood taking mirrors of 19.10 & 33.12, just 4ozs short of the 34 pounder taken by his son Richard a couple of weeks back. Brothers Dave & Colin Wood, (not related to the above father & son), both had a fair session, with Dave taking commons of 16.15 & 16.07, plus a catfish of 33.04, whilst Colin had three commons of 13.02, 14.09 & 22.07. Again a number of big fish reported as lost this week.

Another reminder of the NASH ROADSHOW, which will take place on the lakes 16th & 17th June. It is open to the public, all are welcome and it will be an opportunity to look around the lakes. For more details of this event, please see the NASH website.

Monday 9 April 2012


 Marcus Scott with last weeks captures of 40.02, (top), and 36.06.
Some returns not entered for both main lakes, leaving few verified captures from the season ticket lake. Top fish was a mirror of 35.10 to Nigel Edgecombe, and two home grown commons were logged, a 22.08 to Malcolm Best, and 15lbs to Dean Channing. 
Nigel Edgecombe with 35.10 mirror.
More fish logged from the day ticket lake, with the top carp being a mirror of 30.12 to Steve Bealey from Ottery St Mary, on his very first visit to the lake. This is a UK PB for Steve, and a known fish, out for the first time over 30lbs. Although a number of big catfish lost, three were landed, one of 41lbs to Kev Lock, (along with a 16lbs mirror), the second of 37lbs to Adam Seymour, (along with a 24.04 common), and the third of 34.02 to Ian Donaldson. Richard Vanstone took a common of 19.08, and Steve Jones had a ghostie of 19.12.
Steve Bealey with his PB mirror of 30.10.
A small restocking of carp from a stock pond to the day ticket lake took place on 8th April. It consisted of 18 fish, a mix of commons and mirrors to 32lbs.

Amiees Pool continues to regularly produce mixed bags of 30-40lbs and above.
Jamie Parr with some of his 56lb mixed bag, including roach to 2lb+ and tench to 7lbs.

Monday 2 April 2012


Another great week, particularly on the season ticket water. Marcus Scott, the bailiff on Squabmoor Lake, fished his first session, taking a home grown common of 15lbs, and mirrors of 36.10 and 40.02. The latter carp is the second new 40lb+ carp from the water recently, a known fish which was last caught at 35lbs+, a glowing testament to the extensive work & changes made by Dave & Joanne since they took over the complex.

Other logged captures from this water were a mirror of 24.10 and a common of 33.06 to Mark Owen, a beautiful linear mirror of 30.05 to Caroline Rogers, a fully plated mirror of 25.12 to Pete Newmarch, a 25lb common to Nigel Edgecombe and a 24.08 mirror to Malcolm Best.
Mark Owen with his 33.06 common. 
Caroline Rogers with her 30.05 linear mirror.
Reported catches from the day ticket specimen lake included Dave Wood with a 41lb catfish, Simon Burn with a 3.08 tench, Taff Vanstone with a 14.04 ghostie and Mark Wood with a 21.08 cat and 22.08 common carp. Other carp reported were commons of 26.02 to Martin Johnson, 18lbs to Lee Otrowski and a mirror of 27lbs to Russell Bates. Again, a large number of fish were lost throughout the week.

The coarse pools are fishing well with Amiees Pool producing mixed bags of 45lbs on day one and 50lbs on day two to Gary & Ann, whilst regular Jamie Parr took a 45lbs bag in a short session.

Early last year, Dave selected a few heavily scaled mirrors for breeding in a stock pond. It was netted this week and the result was a large number of beautiful fry. A selection have been moved to a larger pool to grow on for future re-stocking. Pictures are below.