Monday 30 April 2012


An awful mixture of bad weather put many anglers off this week. It was a fair assumption that cooling temperatures and torrential rain would put the fish off feed, but this didn't turn out to be the case. The bottom lake fished well with numerous doubles to 26lbs, and following the clearing of many overhanging trees, and subsequent growth of marginal plants, fish are now being taken from the near margins. A group of seven anglers from Bristol, first timers on the site, took some good fish. Lee Massey landed an English PB common of 31.02, Nigel Pool took an English PB mirror of 33.12 and Tony Nagg had a PB tench of 6.12, a male fish.

The season ticket water also produced results to the few who braved the weather. Dave Reekie took a mirror of 31.02, Rod Phillips landed a mirror of 30.01, plus a common of 23.09, Chris Woodgate took a 28.04 mirror, and Mark Bailey broke a lengthy lean spell with a common of 27.08. Dan Williams reported the capture of an obviously home grown and immaculate common of 15lbs.
Rod Phillips with 30.01 mirror

A number of eels have been showing this week, the best reported was 3lb 12ozs, to Steve Burgess. Fewer anglers on the coarse pools, but still good bags of roach and carp in the 3-5lbs range, but a surprise from Amiees Pool was a pristine virgin common of 12lbs to Darren Fleet.